Growth Mindset

Ahmad Raza
5 min readApr 9, 2021

In decision theory and general systems theory, a mindset is a set of assumptions, methods, or notions held by one or more people or groups of people. A mindset can also be seen as arising out of a person’s world view or philosophy of life

Having a growth mindset instead of a fixed mindset plays a vital role in your life to make you flexible, adaptable or a person having leadership qualities. The more you learn the more you know about yourself and also keep yourself first in the race of the world, in the advancement of learnings. If you have a fixed mindset you may lose yourself or let yourself remain a loser in the race of advancement.

So here are some tips and totkay I want to share that I learned from Amal fellowship to keep your mind up to date and make yourself so adorable to learn new things in every field of life. By learning new things you make your personal growth, you start building yourself as a leader or a mentor and see life things or problems with different aspects. You make a clear vision of your mind to learn new things from every problem you have or every obstacle you are facing.

Developing yourself towards Growth mindset

It develops the flexibility of your mind. Our mind is like a magnet, what we think it captures the same. So if we daily think negative thoughts our mind automatically captures negative aspects. The conversations you have with yourself are a direct reflection of your mindset. If you are telling yourself “I am not good enough to achieve my dreams”, your thoughts will create your reality and your mindset will hold you back from having the life you want. To upgrade your mindset, change your negative self-talk to an empowerment speech by telling yourself “I can do this” or “I got this”, really works.

Getting out of your comfort zone

The first main step towards your success is how or when you are starting. If you keep yourself in a thinking mind state or in a Procrastination you are one step away from your failure. In order to achieve what you daily think or what you want to do in your life you have to come out of your comfort zone. If you take this step it means you took the step to achieve your dreams.

Creating new learning habits

In order to grow or make your mind grow fixed state to growth state, start learning new habits. Make a schedule for your learnings and start noting your achievements daily. That way you could make yourself more confident and focused towards your goals. Like I always recall everything in my mind about what I have done today and what I didn’t do. And reschedule it for the next day. And every morning think or write down the task you have to do

Ask people for help

The most important tip to make your mind grow minded is that you must not be an introvert. There are a number of things you can’t do with your own thinking. There are always different aspects of things or problems so you must not be always right in your thinking. So it is always beneficial to seek help from your friends or anyone else that you thought he/she could give you a really great idea about your problem and tell you your mistakes. Try to get feedback on every single step you take to grow yourself more by clearing those mistakes which you will get to know in the feedback. In this way you make yourself more perfect.

Fake it till you make it

As I mentioned earlier our mind attracts exactly what we think. If we are not good enough in something or in the grow act as you are the expert in this. You will see how automatically these positive things would start happening and it will make you more confident. This is another way of experimenting with your new belief(s). Even if you don’t fully buy into the new mindset, try acting as if you were. Watch how your confidence and your perception of your capabilities change. Yes, fake it till you make it. Research shows that if you act as if you were competent and confident in an area, will eventually lead to improved competence and confidence.

My most favorite one is asking help from others and fake it till you make it. Mostly I believe that you can’t see yourself more perfectly like the people can see you. So to know what you are doing and to see your reflection you really need to understand the perspectives that other people made up for you. So listening other perspectives and receiving feedback from the people about you really helps to grow more and learn about your failures or mistakes. And the second one “fake it till you make it” really urge you to act upon that thing which you are faking in front of the world. It urge you to achieve, accomplish what you have faked to prove yourself a leader, a strong man that can achieve anything. I always start faking that thing which I never did before but to prove myself strong I always try hard to accomplish it.

I really start implementing these tips in my life and I am observing that I’m forwarding towards my goal day by day.

